Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy birthday Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom!

Yeah, I'm a total HP point denying it, but I do tend to keep it on the down low...but sometimes I just can't hold it in *meep*

Anyway. Food. Since today's Sunday I obviously didn't workout, but I did pretty well with the foods! We even had a dinner party and I stuck to my princess plate! Remember how I didn't do that last time? Well I did...mind you it was stuffed full, but I still stuck to it!

Cracked wheat with mashed up raspberries, splenda, and walnuts. Super delish

Open face ham and salami with swiss....note to self: ADD LETTUCE AND TOMATOES! I like them, so there's no reason not to! I need more veggies!!!!!

This was our dinner party. It was Italian themed and I had (in counter clockwise circle from right) croutons, stuffed manicotti, pasta primavera (my personal favorite) pumpkin ravioli, and a meatball....and juice :D

And then a few hours later I had some biscotti for my snack :D I made these, they're super yummy and I must say, biscotti is SUPER easy to make!

So not much else happened today. We played cards for a long while-it was super fun. And laughed hysterically...and now I'm waiting until midnight rolls around to try and get access to'T JUDGE ME! :D I just love Harry Potter!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy National Dance Day!

Yeppers, it's National Dance Day! Did you dance? I sure did all around the store at work! Yay me. If you haven't danced yet and are reading this before midnight GET UP AND DANCE! And then you'll have celebrated. Yay you! Anywho, so today I didn't workout, I did dance a little bit and ran up and down stairs as I was cleaning my house so more than the average calories were burned in a day, but not enough to count I'm sure.

So my oldest sister has been bugging me hard core lately to join this site and she was at my house and seriously forced me to go on the site and join. I HIGHLY recommend all of you readers out there to go check this site out, it's really cool. It's a free heath site in it's beta stage and they have all sorts of cool challanges for you to do. Some are obviously physical but there are eating ones, and "balance" ones-like meditation and such-and "mingle" ones-one I joined was a book club, and all sorts of others. You can track your weight and all sorts of awesome things on there. If you need a way to challenge yourself-check this site out, it's pretty cool. And look for me on there so we can be friends! My screen name is Sherble :D

So, on to the food. There will be one photo short, but I'll explain in a moment.

Granola cereal...I've been in a cold cereal funk lately. hmmm...I should mix things up a bit in the morning

Lunch, I seriously wasn't that hungry-there's lots more empty space on that plate-but we also went to Costco before this and what's left on the plate was filled with samples. I had....5 of them so they would've fit on that empty space. And then of course the juice.

The family had Texas Roadhouse while I was at work-rude!-but I ate a roll when I got home:D They're SO. GOOD!

And I was really hungry again so I had some goldfish

So the missing picture is dinner. No, I didn't skip it, I just forgot to put my camera in my purse to take to work. Now some people would say-just take a picture with your phone and upload it that way...but that kind of defeats the purpose of my rule of "If I don't have my camera with me to take a picture, then I can't eat it"....but I was SO hungry that I was shaky and light-headed. So...yeah, I wasn't skipping dinner. But here's what it was: On my princess plate I had an open faced tuna sandwich with lettuce and swiss cheese on it and about 3/4 of a red bell pepper with some ranch dressing to dip in. So it was a really healthy way to go with dinner-I'm trying really hard to get more fresh veggies in sice I haven't been eating them lately and it's showing up in my breath :( So yeah...just picture that in your mind right before the roll and we're good!

Now make sure you danced today! :D

Friday, July 29, 2011

I did really well...until....

Seriously, I did really well today! And happened...*wha-whaaaaaaaaaaaa* I didn't workout, but let me tell you I worked up a HUGE sweat at work was exhausting! And then I kind of ruined that by going to Cold Stone...oopsies...But here's my day in picture form

Again, don't know why this is turned that way...but whatevs granola cereal

Half pb&j with cottage cheese and honeydew and some more of sparkling red grape juice...which I've decided I really don't like all that much. Way too much carbination I think. Back to my juice!

Say it with me! They're the only snack that simles back until you bite their heads off! Did you know they're made with real cheese, even though they look like fishies? The snack that smiles back, GOLDFISH! *bum bum* ;D

Open face tuna with salami and peperoni and cheese...sounds weird and I admit I was a little weary but it wasn't that bad! And then more goldfish and the rest of my circus animal cookies

So there was actually a bit more of this but it was EPICALLY melting in the car, so I eated some on the drive home. It's a like it peanut butter cup perfection

So fun story about Cold Stone. I went to buy myself and my boss some after work because it was a rather stressfull afternoon-side note: as a rule of thumb, if you're in a store and the workers TELL you that it's closed and you continue to try on clothes for TWENTY MINUTES after the store closes and DON'T BUY ANYTHING it causes said workers to be VERY disgruntled...just so you know. Back to our regularly scheduled story. So I was standing behind these two little boys who I recognized go to my parents ward (I attend the singles branch) and they had this coupon that was like a birthday thing and it was for a buy one get one free, so they were like SWEET! We'll just get two of the same thing! And then this gentleman behind them said "you know you're paying for one of them right?" and then they got all flustered and were like what are we gonna do?! and so I just casually leaned forward and was like "Don't worry, I'll pay for it"...made me feel all happy and warm and fuzzy inside cuz they were seriously like...about to have a panic attack and the store was super busy so I'm sure they were thinking "Do we get our parents? WHAT DO WE DO?!" so...yeah, there's my good deed of the day story. :D

I'm late! I'm late for a very importand date!

Yeah...I totally FAILED again at staying on top of things ;( booo on my part. HOWEVER I did take pictures this time! Bad news? I can't remember which food goes with which day...soooo I'm just gonna go ahead and post all breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks in one go...mmkay? mmmkay. Just remember all this food goes over about one week. SO lets dig in shall we?

Breakfast! Get your Breakfast here!!!!

Really blurry, but this is cracked wheat with honey, walnuts and I believe craisins. It was pretty good!

Don't know why this one went all wonky, but this is granola...I actually should have another picture of this on here but I couldn't find my camera one morning for picture another one of exactly this and you'll have 7 breakfasts

So I discovered that if I just put a healthy dollop of plain Greek yogurt into regular yogurt the flavor is still that of the regular yogurt! Yay! I get to have my protein AND yummy yogurt for a little granola

Same as above sans granola

No, this is not the other granola cereal breakfast I said to imagine...there should still be another one

Lunch time!!!! And let me just say, I really don't remember the order of these, but I'm pretty sure they're in the correct order

Naked burrito with my cup 'o juice

...Pretty sure this is a pb&nutella sandwich and then those are cheetos (obviously)

Open face pb&nutella with cheetos and juice!

Open face tuna with cheese and a "stinkin cookie" story about that to follow

Open face tuna with cheese and fritos

Meatballs and like...1/2 a cucumber-I realized that I don't eat a lot of veggies...that shall be remedied!

Here we've got cheesy bread from Dominos and honeydew and cottage cheese...most random lunch to date, but it was pretty good

So the "stinkin cookie" story goes as follows: My mom and sister and nieces were shopping at Costco one day and sister was flippin through the coupons and noticed there was one for cookies, mom looks over and says "We don't need no stinking cookies!" (quite true, we ate about 3 boxes of them over a, not so much) and then my 3 year old niece says in a semi-quieted voice "I want some stinking cookies" and now only calls Costco cookies "stinkin cookies" if you say anything else is a stinkin cookie she corrects you and points out the REAL stinkin cookies. It's quite adorable actually.

Snack time! One think I've noticed: I really don't eat that many snacks...observe:

This was one handful split up over two snacks...

Two stinkin cookies that I broke in half...I remember I had a rough day at work and just wanted chocolate, but instead of a handfull of chocolate chips I went for these...

Stinkin cookie....

Another stinkin cookie...

Circus animal cookies! I love these :D

So....5 snacks when there should be 14...yeah, not big on the snacks. However, when I don't take pictures I do a LOT more grazing throughout the day

Dinner time! Yaaaaaaaaay...some of these were total cheats but...yeah...

This was the last burrito concoction I decided to have before I just stuck to the naked ones

Dinner cheat #1: my cup of Brazilian lemonade...which I refilled like three times, my plate (note the lack of princess quality) of a chimichanga, taco salad, and like...the BEST rice in the world that I ended up having about that amount two more times....yeah, total cheat

This one is not so much a total cheat, but I should've made the sandwich open faced since I squished it down to make it lower than my knuckle...and I remember that night I kept going back and grazing on that little lemon cake thing you see next to the potatoe salad...and I had a few chips with guacamole too

I think this was an "I'm STARVING so I'm gonna cram as much on to this plate as possible" naked burrito

Cheat #2...again, lack of princess plate. this was a French dinner party. No that is NOT wine, it's martinellies red grape...which I had about 3 or 4 of those glasses full of...which other than the no princess plate was the only cheating I did with this thank you.

Dominos pizza slice with two cheesy bread pieces and a cup of juice

Dinner cheat #3...Red Robin chicken caprese platter. Oh my LANTA it's good!!!! I did bring my plate with me to the restaurant, but again I was STARVING...we went to dinner much later than planned. I didn't get a lemonade like I usually do, but I did end up eating this whole plate...but it's mostly lettuce. so...yeah.

Also, in the past week I've worked out 3 times :( I have also worked up a good sweat at work though doing lots of stuff in the stock room...soo...that almost counts as a workout right? Well, Monday is the new picture day so we'll see how the scale looks then...dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

food...IN YOUR FACE!

Don't ask where the title came's rather difficult to think of them actually, so don't be shocked if you see REALLY random ones on here, cuuuuuz...yeah I don't just want to be putting "Day blah blah blah" up there. So....yeah....anyway. Today I was rather...unmotivated I guess you could say. I didn't workout...and right now my knees are kind of hurting, but I think that may be due to the fact that I didn't work them today. *shrug* And I went and saw Harry Potter again with J and E which ended with me having about 15 minutes to throw a lunch together, eat it, and get out the door for work. But here's my foods

Ok, looking at this now, it looks kind of gross lol, but it's Greek yogurt with raspberry jam ( I miss the huckleberry jam, it was the best) and some granola. It was pretty tasty, but like I said, the huckleberry jam is MUUUUUUCH better...

This be the lunch I threw together. I was really hoping for another open faced tuna sandwich but the tuna was all gone and I didn't want to make any so we have a pb&nutella sammich and juice, I saved that for dinner

Dinner, I shook things up a bit and didn't do it burrito style but *drumroll* NACHO style! ooooooh aaaaaaah! And then after I took the picture I realized I hadn't had my cup o' juice so I then poured it and drank it. It was lovely.

So here's the story with the candy bars: For the midnight Harry Potter premiere we bought  bunch of candy and junk to give ourselves a sugar high (and lets face it, who in there right mind would pay $5 for theatre candy they get at the dollar store?! not this girl!) But the theatre people said we couldn't bring in any bags, so we had to put our bags of candy in the car....and since I get a handful of a snack I figure I could get rid of it for snackly time! :D

So the best thing that happened today is I got a text from a friend telling me that she bought some Tinkerbell dishes to start the Tinkerbell Diet! Yay M!!!! It makes me feel all special inspiring people like that :D And gives me lots of motivation! :D:D:D:D So happy health journeys to all of you out there!

Back in the saddle again...

So I weighed myself this morning-not telling you what I weigh, I just did it to make sure I'm staying on track-and I'm VERY excited!! :D Yay.

Alrighty, so yesterday I went running for my workout...usually I do 45 minutes but I was really tired and quit ten minutes early. So I went home, had breakfast and decided to take a nap....this was at about 7am and then I didn't wake up until about 12:30 o_O I guess I needed some sleep! So, food (technically this is yesterday's food)

Vanilla yogurt with a little bit of granola...and then the massive nap happened
Open-faced tuna sandwich with some goldfish...and apple juice :D I kind of love apple juice, can you tell?
Afternoon snack, two Ghiradelle chocolate squares...prolly cheating as far as healthy foods go, but it fits in my hand! DPD approved!
Yep, this is totally going to be my go-to meal when I can't think of anything to eat. It's kind of fantastic
This does fit in my hand if I break it up...which I'm pretty sure is legal since my doctor told me all about how she would manipulate food to fit onto her plate and what-not so...yeah. I'm saying it's legit:D

I seriously love how even though it may seem like I'm not eating much food I really am staying full throughout the day. The only sad thing? We've got some friends coming to town and an awesome Mexican (ish) themed dinner for them and I can't go back for seconds! *sigh* Oh well, I know I'll feel better about it once I see myself getting healthier!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Confession time...aaaand THE PRINCESS DIET! :D

Ok, ok, as you all may have noticed...I sort of failed epically this past week at posting blogs....and taking pictures for that matter. My poor excuse? My family was in town......*hides head in shame* I know, I know, some people would say "That's ok, most people lose it when family's in town" but the whole point of me doing this was so I didn't MAKE anymore excuses. I think I did OK as far as keeping my diet in check, but I only worked out three times...granted they were rather long workouts, but it was still only three times.

I went to my doctor as well to discuss dieting plans and she shared with me a rather remarkable plan. She told me about "Dora" as she called it, but I'm calling it the Disney Princess diet...which I'll explain in a moment.
So here's how it's broken down. You go to the store and buy a set of children's dishware with a cup, bowl, and plate....and those are the dishes you use for all of your meals. There's no counting, no measuring, no weighing...NOTHING! Which is honestly where I tend to lose my motivation with my eating habits. So here's what you do: for breakfast, you have whatever you want! Just as long as it fits in the bowl and isn't overflowing. AND NO GOING BACK FOR SECONDS! For lunch, you have whatever fits on the plate. No going over the edge (even if it's a piece of lettuce) and-for girls-the food cannot go any higher than the top knuckle of your thumb whilst trying to lose weight (whole thumb when you're maintaining) and for guys who're trying to lose you don't go higher than your whole thumb (I didn't ask about maintaining and she didn't tell me since I'm a girl) AND NO GOING BACK FOR SECONDS! For dinner: it's the same as lunch. AND NO GOING BACK FOR SECONDS! Sensing a theme here? The whole idea is to teach you portion control. Of course, in an ideal world you would have a significant amount of protein in each meal and you would make smarter choices like whole wheat breads and the like....but if you're having a day where you want to eat nothing but carbs YOU CAN!!! Just as long as it fits in the bowl or plate! Also, the cup if for non-water based drinks (those include water-duh-crystal light, tea, coffee-if you don't add much sugar and creamer- and other water based drinks). Water based drinks are of course free! Yaaaay! So you get one cup of anything else a day (juice, milk, DIET soda, Gatorade, etc...) whilst trying to lose weight and two when maintaining. Now it sounds an aweful lot like you're not eating very much throughout the day...and if you only do those three meals, you aren't and you'll make your body go into starvation mode (VERY. BAD) so what you do is you have two snacks. Once half-way between breakfast and lunch, and once half-way between lunch and dinner (and if you go to bed late and are STARVING you can have another before bed time) But snacks are thus: whatever fits in ONE hand. Now my doctor and I both REALLY love almonds so that's what we eat. But BONUS! you get to have almonds and something fun in a 4-1 ratio! Yaaaay! She told me she has Ziploc bags of almonds and dark chocolate chips, almonds and craisins, and almonds and peanut m&m's all over the place and you just scoop up a handful and eat it and you're good to go! Plus, you can make big amounts of it and leave it lying at the house, in your car, and at work! Yay! AND you get to have something fun with it! Totally the best part!!!!

Now, why is it called the Disney Princess diet? Well....let me show you!

Yep, you guessed it! I bought a Disney Princess set! Yay! My particular favorite? The plate is a crown :D But my doctor calls it Dora because when she went to buy her dish set, all they had were Dora the Explorer dishes.

So, let's get on to today! The first day of the Disney Princess Diet (DPD for short)

I didn't have a pre workout snack-I just wasn't feeling up to one today, plus our workout was a bit on the sad I didn't feel bad at all

Breakfast...technically I cheated because it shouldn't be so dangerously close to overflowing like that (and there was more in the container where I made the shake) but this is the Jamba Juice/protein powder shake. I think I'll just make it with less juice so there's less liquid, plus I kind of like it a little more chunky

My snack (that I had twice, but I didn't feel like posting the same picture twice) it is almonds and Reese's Pieces...but the pieces were a little shy of the 4-1 ratio so it's more like a 4-3/4 ratio. and this is the amount that filled my hand both times I ate it

Lunch, I was SO excited that by folding up the tortilla it still didn't make this higher than the knuckle of my thumb! Yay, and then I modified it into a simple burrito. Not gonna lie, this is prolly gonna be my fall back lunch if I can't think of anything. And then I had my alloted cup of juice :D Yay!

Dinner, 1/2 peanut butter and nutella sandwich and some mac n' cheese. Not my healthiest choice, but I was feeling nostalgic and wanted foods that made me feel like a little kid. Plus the mac n' cheese was CARS 2 shaped! How could I pass up the awesome-ness? I just couldn't!

And that was day one of the DPD! Yaaaay. Also, my doc told me that she even takes her plate with her to restaurants and if people look at her weird she says that her doctor is making  her do it. But I'm really excited to do this because it's all about just eating smaller portions of the food I already love! I SO can do this. And, I didn't even feel remotely hungry today-as some people felt I would when I explained this diet to them....but yeah. I'm excited and I'm gonna ROCK THIS!!!