Ok, ok, ok...so as you all may have noticed...I sort of failed epically this past week at posting blogs....and taking pictures for that matter. My poor excuse? My family was in town......*hides head in shame* I know, I know, some people would say "That's ok, most people lose it when family's in town" but the whole point of me doing this was so I didn't MAKE anymore excuses. I think I did OK as far as keeping my diet in check, but I only worked out three times...granted they were rather long workouts, but it was still only three times.
I went to my doctor as well to discuss dieting plans and she shared with me a rather remarkable plan. She told me about "Dora" as she called it, but I'm calling it the Disney Princess diet...which I'll explain in a moment.
So here's how it's broken down. You go to the store and buy a set of children's dishware with a cup, bowl, and plate....and those are the dishes you use for all of your meals. There's no counting, no measuring, no weighing...NOTHING! Which is honestly where I tend to lose my motivation with my eating habits. So here's what you do: for breakfast, you have whatever you want! Just as long as it fits in the bowl and isn't overflowing. AND NO GOING BACK FOR SECONDS! For lunch, you have whatever fits on the plate. No going over the edge (even if it's a piece of lettuce) and-for girls-the food cannot go any higher than the top knuckle of your thumb whilst trying to lose weight (whole thumb when you're maintaining) and for guys who're trying to lose you don't go higher than your whole thumb (I didn't ask about maintaining and she didn't tell me since I'm a girl) AND NO GOING BACK FOR SECONDS! For dinner: it's the same as lunch. AND NO GOING BACK FOR SECONDS! Sensing a theme here? The whole idea is to teach you portion control. Of course, in an ideal world you would have a significant amount of protein in each meal and you would make smarter choices like whole wheat breads and the like....but if you're having a day where you want to eat nothing but carbs YOU CAN!!! Just as long as it fits in the bowl or plate! Also, the cup if for non-water based drinks (those include water-duh-crystal light, tea, coffee-if you don't add much sugar and creamer- and other water based drinks). Water based drinks are of course free! Yaaaay! So you get one cup of anything else a day (juice, milk, DIET soda, Gatorade, etc...) whilst trying to lose weight and two when maintaining. Now it sounds an aweful lot like you're not eating very much throughout the day...and if you only do those three meals, you aren't and you'll make your body go into starvation mode (VERY. BAD) so what you do is you have two snacks. Once half-way between breakfast and lunch, and once half-way between lunch and dinner (and if you go to bed late and are STARVING you can have another before bed time) But snacks are thus: whatever fits in ONE hand. Now my doctor and I both REALLY love almonds so that's what we eat. But BONUS! you get to have almonds and something fun in a 4-1 ratio! Yaaaay! She told me she has Ziploc bags of almonds and dark chocolate chips, almonds and craisins, and almonds and peanut m&m's all over the place and you just scoop up a handful and eat it and you're good to go! Plus, you can make big amounts of it and leave it lying at the house, in your car, and at work! Yay! AND you get to have something fun with it! Totally the best part!!!!
Now, why is it called the Disney Princess diet? Well....let me show you!
Yep, you guessed it! I bought a Disney Princess set! Yay! My particular favorite? The plate is a crown :D But my doctor calls it Dora because when she went to buy her dish set, all they had were Dora the Explorer dishes.
So, let's get on to today! The first day of the Disney Princess Diet (DPD for short)
I didn't have a pre workout snack-I just wasn't feeling up to one today, plus our workout was a bit on the sad side....so I didn't feel bad at all
Breakfast...technically I cheated because it shouldn't be so dangerously close to overflowing like that (and there was more in the container where I made the shake) but this is the Jamba Juice/protein powder shake. I think I'll just make it with less juice so there's less liquid, plus I kind of like it a little more chunky |
My snack (that I had twice, but I didn't feel like posting the same picture twice) it is almonds and Reese's Pieces...but the pieces were a little shy of the 4-1 ratio so it's more like a 4-3/4 ratio. and this is the amount that filled my hand both times I ate it |
Lunch, I was SO excited that by folding up the tortilla it still didn't make this higher than the knuckle of my thumb! Yay, and then I modified it into a simple burrito. Not gonna lie, this is prolly gonna be my fall back lunch if I can't think of anything. And then I had my alloted cup of juice :D Yay! |
Dinner, 1/2 peanut butter and nutella sandwich and some mac n' cheese. Not my healthiest choice, but I was feeling nostalgic and wanted foods that made me feel like a little kid. Plus the mac n' cheese was CARS 2 shaped! How could I pass up the awesome-ness? I just couldn't!
And that was day one of the DPD! Yaaaay. Also, my doc told me that she even takes her plate with her to restaurants and if people look at her weird she says that her doctor is making her do it. But I'm really excited to do this because it's all about just eating smaller portions of the food I already love! I SO can do this. And, I didn't even feel remotely hungry today-as some people felt I would when I explained this diet to them....but yeah. I'm excited and I'm gonna ROCK THIS!!! |