Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Alright...so the past few days I guess you could say I got either discouraged or lazy. But it was probably a bit of both. I would take the pictures, follow the rules (sort of) but then I just wouldn't want to put them up on the blog. I almost just decided to delete this, but then I thought of the reasons WHY I made this blog. It was made to document my journey to get healthy-and here was a challenge set before me. A challenge to get back on the bandwagon of the DPD (I had fallen off when I went camping this weekend and was rather reluctant to get back on) and I just wanted to give up-to not be responsible to the people reading this. And in all honesty, I was about to come onto the site and do just that...and then a friend texted me. She said she wanted to share a website with me because she found it inspirational like my blog...and I thought-you mean I actually INSPIRE someone?! And that made me realize that I can't give up on this! If I can inspire someone-even just one person-to be healthy and love their life, then who am I to stop that power? So here I am...updating and hoping that someone somewhere may just get that extra bit of inspiration.

Out of semi-shame I'm only going to post today's and yesterday's food-the other part is more so the fact that I can't remember what day the other pictures belong to....and it kind of makes me nuts, not gonna lie, just posting the actual meals. SO! here's yesterday's food (Monday)
Haha, this looks kind of gross but it was super good! It's plain Greek yougurt, peanut butter (we all know how much I LOVE peanut butter!), splenda (or you could use truvia or some other sweetener) and a mashed up peanut butter granola bar...I promise it is TASTY and LOADED with protein! I got this recepi from a dear friend-who just happens to be getting married this weekend! Congrats T and P!

Lunchtime! Yay for Hawaiian Heystacks!...and ten dollars?
I was at work during both snack times so I packed them both and seperately. The right one was mid-morning and the left afternoon. But they're both the same 4:1 almond peanut butter m&m mixture (do you SEE how much I love peanut butter?!)

So yesterday I resisted the whole "I want to quit" urge until dinner...I think it was because I was at work all day...but we had fun size snickers and kit kats in our break room....and I had about 3 of each....*sigh* but I CAN STILL DO THIS! I checked out the website my friend told me about chantelhobbs.com and she said what her big issue was was that she lost faith in herself. And I have that same issue. So I've made a stumble...big deal. I CAN DO HARD THINGS! I've done it in countless other areas of my life-so why am I letting fear get in the way now? YOU MUST CONTINUE TO BELIEVE IN YOUR OWN STRENGTH! Yes of COURSE it's hard resisting foods that have made you fat and unhealthy...but look at your life, what hard things have you accomplished? Here are some of mine:

When I was 11 years old my family moved from Arizona to the Pacific Northwest. I willingly followed my parents (yeah, I had to, but I did so WILLINGLY) to a freezing cold land with no people in it I knew and started a new life.

In high school I was a "guinea pig" for a new academic program...sort of failed at it, but I never once considered just giving up.

While all of my friends went away for college after graduation (my best friend going across the country) I chose to remain at home despite the fact that this made me feel like some sort of failure and completed an AA in General Studies...and made new friends again!

Last summer I traveled to Upstate New York to participate in the LDS Church's production of The Hill Cumorah Pageant-it was rather scary going when I knew no one and kept having thoughts of something happeneing to my family during my 17 day departure and I would have no way of being at their side.

Currently, I am attempting to save money so that in about a year's time I will move away from the security of my parents home for the first time...trust me, that (to me) is a LOT scarrier than loosing weight.

So looking at all these things, I realize something...I CAN DO HARD THINGS!!!!! It just feels good to say that. I may even say that to the scale next time I get on it! :D And if I can do hard things, SO CAN YOU! Because you're probably a much stronger person that me!

Alrighty, on to today's food. Warning: today was a much bigger "I want to quit" day than yesterday. We had starbursts in the back room and I ate about a handful of them. Even with my healthy snack sitting right next to them. *facepalm* oh well....I CAN DO HARD THINGS!!!! And I will do them better now that I've reminded myself of that! 
 Ok, so this picture's caption thing was giving me GRIEF! Granola cereal for breakfast today!

This snack was actually an afternoon snack...so it really should come AFTER the next picture, but it was being difficult...
Lunch time of quesodilla, oreos, and milk
More Hawaiian Heystack! :D It's SO. GOOD!
And some oreos after dinner

And I have a new way of lifing weights that I was going to talk about, but man ALIVE I'm tired and am now going to bed. Night all! And I appologize for any spelling errors...like I said...I'm tired!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

woop woop! 3 days in a row now!

Yay! So I guess I should just do posts in the morning of the day previous because that tends to work better for me.

So yesterday I didn't workout...again. Like I say I'm REALLY bad at working out by myself and my workout partner has a weird work schedule this week soooo...yeah. Anyway...food time!

Granola cereal for breakfast...

A 100 calorie pack of cookies for a mid morning snack

Open face tuna with fritos on it and cheese and pita chips..oh, and chocolate milk for lunch

1/2 nectarine for an afternoon snack

And I had dinner really late last night and I just didn't want to make anything so we repeated breakfast for dinner :D

Ok guys, I weighed myself this morning and I'm really happy! I've fixed the starvation mode mistake! Joy! But I'm also really excited because I've set countless numbers of goals in the past and I haven't been able to meet them, but with the DPD I'm pretty sure that that's finally going to happen! I'm so stinkin excited I can hardly hold it in. This has NEVER happened to me before and it really makes me happy to know that with hard work and sacrifice goals can come true! Note the lack of "dreams" usage because if you never write it down and put forth the effort it just stays a dream-a lofty idea that doesn't mean a whole lot. But goals....now goals are a tangible thing and they can be met! :D *eep* so excited

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

On a Tuesday

So yesterday I didn't workout :( But I did play kickball for FHE so I got a little bit of cardio in!

Other than that, it was a good day! No cheating whatsoever! Yay me;D

cracked wheat with almost too much honey and walnuts

A kind of small amount of almond/pieces combo for snack numero uno

Open face ham, salami, pepperoni, tomatoe, lettuce and swiss sandwich with 1/2 nectarine

other 1/2 of the nectarine for snack the second

Same sandwich as lunch only turkey instead of ham with pita chips...I realize now that I should've had some hummas with those pita chips...maybe I'll do that for lunch today. Oh, and chocolate milk

So yeah, nothing too terribly exciting happened yesterday. Oh, I had to get up on a scary ladder at work a few times-I don't like heights all that much and it needed doing. And I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go on another book buyin splurge here soon :D *meep* I love books

Monday, August 8, 2011

Hey, I'm only like 3 days behind this time!

*Sigh* HOPEFULLY I'll get back into the swing of things and actually do this ON TIME! Sorry readers!

So I know I probably shouldn't...but I weigh myself every week...and my suspicion of going into starvation mode a little bit I feel has been confirmed. Why? because I haven't lost or gained an OUNCE of weight. Yeah...still exactly the same. Which isn't normal for me. But I'm not worried! I no longer skip snacks so the situation should be rectified soon!

Ok, on to the foods:D

Friday breakfast. Greek yogurt and I'm pretty sure that's blueberry (which I find gross so I added more Greek yogurt than typical to mask the flavor:D)

Saturday's breakfast...an almost overflowing bowl of crispix

Friday's lunch. 1/2 Peanut butter & nutella sandwich, cottage cheese and cantaloupe and grapes

Saturday's lunch. 1/2 pb&n with cucumbers and grapes

Friday dinner. Open faced ham and swiss...I don't remember if this had lettuce on it, but it clearly had tomatoe since we can see the evidence of it in the upper left corner of the picture...oh, and cucs and grapes.

Saturday's dinner...which was a bit cheating ;( So we have beans, cheese, onions, tomatoes, lettuce and salsa...the cheating comes with the chips I ate with this. The didn't fit on the plate. But I was so hungry I didn't really care :(

My 4 snacks for the two days...all the same. Almonds and reese's pieces

Confession: Friday E and I went to Jamms (self serve frozen yogurt place)...And Saturday I had a slice of the strawberry pie I made...and I realized this morning I didn't take any pictures of the food I ate yesterday :(

So I'll tell you what I ate! Since yesterday was Fast Sunday I ate a plate-not princess-of 4 cheese puffs and salad which had pears and a REALLLLLLY good dressing which I'm sure had about 50 or so calories in the tablespoon of it I had. Then I had a pb&n sandwich and later that night a bowl of ice cream which had chocolate chips and cheerios in it. ....yeah....

OH! And I worked out every day last week :D yay me!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

oh gosh I need to quit doing this...

No, I'm not giving up on my blog...just noticing that I tend to go a few days without updating which makes for a very picture loaded blog. So without further ado...here's the photos!

This really was taken on August 1. Not too bad! Down 7lbs from the first month....yay me:D

 Now, since I didn't post every day...I'll just do the meals lumped together again. One note: I'm pretty sure my body kind of went into starvation mode because there were a few days where I seriously wanted to eat everything in sight. So I'm now bound and determined to eat snacks whether I want to or not...usually it's not though *sigh*

Wow...some of these are REALLY fuzzy...welp, this is a rather healthy spoonful of plain Greek with peach yogurt

Granola cereal...

mmmm...Cracked wheat with mashed raspberries, splenda and walnuts. Very good food:D

This one is actually this morning's "breakfast" (more on that to come) and it's Greek with strawberry yogurt

Lunch time!

Ok...um...ham, salami, pepperoni, swiss....pretty sure this one has tomatoe and lettuce as well. And then that's about 3/4 of a bell pepper with some ranch drizzled over the top and some apple juice

This is about when starvation mode kicked in...note the excess chocolate. So same sammy as above sans lettuce and tomatoe (I couldn't find them in the fridge) and then there's two 100 calorie packs of snackly type foods and I FINALLY remembered to have chocolate milk...which I've been craving for a while now

I know this is yesterday's because of the brownie...but I think this was technically dinner? Oh well...open face pb&j with again 2 100 calorie packs and a tiny bit of the brownies I made

"Lunch" today...full on pb&j, again the 100 calorie packs and some gardetto's rye chips and chocolate milk

And finally: dinner/snacks
uh...some sort of open faced sandwich-prolly ham and swiss and lots of bell pepper and chocolate milk:D love chocolate milk
This is today's "dinner" it's just hummus, pita bread, bell pepper and lots of cucumber
Stuffed manicotti and asparagus:D

Half pasta primavera, half bell pepper/asparagus...yay me for adding veggies!

I know, I know...it doesn't fit in my hand, plate, OR bowl but I really wanted popcorn and I just made it worse by adding chocolate chips. This was when I realized I may have gone into starvation mode because I can generally keep my cravings in check due to this handy dandy blog but that night I just didn't care :(

Biscotti :D

Meet the reason for today's "breakfast", "lunch", and "dinner" quotations....

So the story behind the banana...This morning my brother-in-law and I decided to change our workouts. We upped our weight and time for weight training days-we were at the gym for an hour and 15 mins this morning-and I would say that I loved it...except for this stinking banana! Why would a banana ruin my workout you ask? Because I ate it before my workout. Why would that be a bad thing when most people say you SHOULD eat before working out? well...1/3 of the way through my workout I was ready to be done. Why you ask? Because this stinking banana made me want to puke. And I almost did. It was more like I hocked a loogie though (and I'm pretty sure I spelled those wrong...but I don't really care) and I actually had to skip my last machine because I was all pale and light headed and nauseous. Seriously...I don't think I'll ever eat before working out that early in the morning again because this happens EVERY time. It seriously makes me sick. So I got home at about 7 am and slept until noon...thus the "breakfast" not really being breakfast and so on and so forth. And that's why my "dinner" was 90% veggies. I didn't really want to eat many more calories than I'd find in my snacks.

So for my workout tomorrow I won't be eating before it...and I won't be eating before any workout unless I have about 30 mins in between the food and working out. I seriously kind of hated my workout this morning. Exercise is supposed to make you feel good, dangit! Not pukey! booo...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy birthday Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom!

Yeah, I'm a total HP geek...no point denying it, but I do tend to keep it on the down low...but sometimes I just can't hold it in *meep*

Anyway. Food. Since today's Sunday I obviously didn't workout, but I did pretty well with the foods! We even had a dinner party and I stuck to my princess plate! Remember how I didn't do that last time? Well I did...mind you it was stuffed full, but I still stuck to it!

Cracked wheat with mashed up raspberries, splenda, and walnuts. Super delish

Open face ham and salami with swiss....note to self: ADD LETTUCE AND TOMATOES! I like them, so there's no reason not to! I need more veggies!!!!!

This was our dinner party. It was Italian themed and I had (in counter clockwise circle from right) croutons, stuffed manicotti, pasta primavera (my personal favorite) pumpkin ravioli, and a meatball....and juice :D

And then a few hours later I had some biscotti for my snack :D I made these, they're super yummy and I must say, biscotti is SUPER easy to make!

So not much else happened today. We played cards for a long while-it was super fun. And laughed hysterically...and now I'm waiting until midnight rolls around to try and get access to pottermore.com...DON'T JUDGE ME! :D I just love Harry Potter!